Individual Training for Footballers: How to Build an Effective Session

Individual training for footballers is crucial for improving skill levels. This article will provide a blueprint for building effective individual training sessions that will help you improve as a football player. Whether or not you can train on a pitch, the tips and drills outlined in this article will help you make the most of your training time.

First and foremost, it is essential to warm up before any training session. A proper warm-up will prepare your body for the drills ahead and help prevent injuries. While the specifics of how you warm up may vary, it is important to ensure you warm up the entire body, get your muscles flexible, and stretch out. This will ensure that your body is ready for the training session.

Once warmed up, it is time to focus on touch, control, and dribbling. To start, use cones or obstacles to do what is known as “ball mastery” drills. These drills are designed to improve your close control, touch, and overall familiarity with the ball. Once you feel comfortable with ball mastery drills, you can move on to a dribbling course where you weave in and out of obstacles at speed. The more you practice directional changes, cuts, and turns with the ball, the easier it will be to perform them in a match.


Passing can be a bit more difficult when training alone, but there is a workaround. Use a wall or other surface that will bounce the ball back to you at a reasonable pace. Start by passing the ball to the wall, receiving it, taking a directional touch, and passing it back. Repeat this process until your passing is on point. To make it more match-relevant, set up a passing course where you pass the ball at the wall, move around cones, and pass the ball short or long to improve your position on the field.

Here are some examples of drills that you can include in your individual training sessions:

  • Ball Mastery Drill: Set up a series of cones and practice dribbling through them while maintaining close control of the ball. Start with a basic pattern and gradually increase the difficulty by adding more cones and complex movements.
  • Dribbling Course: Set up cones or socks in a zig-zag pattern and practice dribbling around them at speed. Make the drill match relevant by sprinting to the ball from one end of the course, dribbling around the cones, and then shooting at a goal.
  • Passing Drill: Work with a partner or use a wall to practice passing the ball back and forth. Start with basic passes and gradually increase the difficulty by incorporating movement, different types of passes, and working on accuracy.
  • Shooting Drill: Set up cones or targets and practice shooting from different angles and distances. Start with stationary shots and gradually increase the difficulty by incorporating movement and shooting on the run.
  • Remember to focus on quality over quantity, so take your time and don’t rush through the drills. The goal is to make each session match-relevant so that you can transfer the skills you’re practising to the game when it returns.

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